I took a picture the other day of a robin.I took it from the car window and Ollie,my springer,was in the back of the car. ‘Do you remember the last time you photographed a robin’,he said. ’No’,I said. ’Well, it was last winter and we were sat in the car then as well’,he said.’We were in the garden,snow everywhere and you were using the car as a hide.’That’s right,I remember now’,I said.’You were telling me to sit still and stop slobbering all over the windows’,…… he said. ‘ Aaah,memories’,we said.
Why don’t we take a look back.
Ollie hopes you enjoyed your trip down his memory lane.Unfortunately he’s now,also remembering how cold it was last winter and wishes he’d never brought up the subject!
Next you will be telling us Ollie took all the pictures.
‘Not such a silly comment,Jim.’ Said Ollie.