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Juvenile Common Crane on grass bank. Nov '18.
Juvenile Common Crane in stubble field. Nov '18.
Juvenile Common Crane feeding in crop field. Nov '18.
Juvenile Common Crane in crop field. Nov '18.
Greenshank in water. Oct '18.
Dunlin feeding at mudbank. Oct '18.
Dunlin and reflection. Oct '18.
Curlew stretching out. Oct '18.
Curlew in seaweed. Oct '18.
Bar tailed Godwit. Oct '18.
Dunlin with worm. Oct '18.
Dunlin walking away.
Dunlin feeding. Sept '18.
Juvenile Woodchat Shrike with pellet and grasshopper. Sept '18.
Juvenile Woodchat Shrike with grasshopper.. Sept '18.

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