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Puffin wings akimbo. June '18.
Shag in flight with nest material. June '18.
House Martins at nest. June '18.
Sedge Warbler singing. June '18.
Redstart f with food at nest 1. June '18.
Redstart f with food at nest 2. June '18.
Coot chick. June '18.
Coot and 2 chicks. June '18.
Mute Swan thru the reeds. June '18.
Mute Swan and 2 cygnets. June '18.
Mute Swans and 3 cygnets. June '18.
Mallard chick bathing. May '18.
Female Mallard bathing. May '18.
2 Cygnets. May '18.
3 Cygnets. May '18.

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