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Garden Birds

House Sparrow m on moss and lichen stump. Apr. '15.
House Sparrow f on barbed wire. Apr. '15.
Tree Sparrow on larch cones 2. Apr. '15.
Greenfinch on larch cones. Apr. '15.
Tree Sparrow on mossy stump. Mar. '15.
House Sparrow m. Mar. '15.
Great tit in the rain. Mar. '15.
Coal tit on lichen twig. Mar. '15.
Blue tit and feather. Feb. '15.
Great tit. Feb. '15.
Blue tit on upright lichen twig. Feb.'15.
Coal tit on upright lichen twig. Feb.'15.
Male House Sparrow on upright lichen twig. Feb.'15.
House Sparrow m on lichen twig. Feb.'15.
Blue tit on top of mossy ash branch. Feb.'15.

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